Coming in July, Breath & Matter, a poet-visual artist collaboration at the Boston Sculptors Gallery

I’m very excited to be collaborating with fiber sculptor Jodi Colella, whose work is amazing. See more of it at


We’ve chosen to explore moss from visual and poetic perspectives. Click this link to learn more about the exhibit and to check out the other artist-poet pairs. The opening reception will be Wednesday, July 18. Stay tuned for details:

Fiber sculptor Jodi Colella and poet Wendy Drexler met by chance and discovered a shared interest in what’s waiting to be discovered in a consignment-store bin or right under their feet. They both like to launch their artistic explorations with careful observation as a way to explore deeper meanings. And so they turned to moss, first responding visually to its beautiful and minute microscopic structures, then researching how this ancient life form grows, propagates—surviving, in times of drought, on a single drop of water! They’ve discovered that moss, like our own species, is resilient, collaborative, and opportunistic, and that the smallness of moss, with its

for filling
the emptiness—
a scant gap,
between cracks

encompasses the dynamic splendor and complexity of the world.